Monday, June 15, 2009

New things

God loves new things. He loves new things so much, He went to the trouble of pointing it out tons of times in the Bible. I hadn't ever thought of God's love for new things until yesterday when John Lindell from James River Church in Springfield, MO, came to speak at church. He pastor's the second largest Assembly of God church in the denomination. John was encouraging our church through his church's amazing story of growth and somewhere in the process made a simple comment about how God loves new things and builds new mercies into each day. Well, my mind ran with that.

This morning I was reading a book by Dr.'s Cloud and Townsend and they gave a running list of personality "red flags" and "yellow lights" to look for in others. I grimmaced as I looked at the page because I, unfortunately, had some of the traits they identified. Before I could mentally clothesline myself over things I'd done, or said, or thought because of these traits, I was reminded of John's words, "God loves new things". As I looked at the list again, I thought of God's ability to make me new, and man, was I encouraged!

I love that God gives me a chance to make a new choice. He's been called the God of second chances, but really He should be called the God of infinite chances. I admit it; I'm prone to mistakes. But I'm also prone to believing that God can carefully sweep up behind me and say, "I know you really messed that one up, but we worked through it, so I'm going to give you another chance because I love you and I'm for you."

I always have some song in my head. It's usually some song from the 80's (with an emotional crescendo and synth), but every once in awhile, I start singing a unique new song. The new song doesn't necessarily have an ending, or even a chorus, it's just a string of thoughts that I start singing. I'm often surprised by the things that come out of my mouth, sometimes they make little, to no, sense (an example that comes to mind, "you are a wandering housefly with green buttons of splendor"), but other times I'm comforted by the words coming from my own mouth. It's pretty clear to me that when the latter happens, God has put a new song on my heart. And that amazes me.

New believers, new days, new chances, new hope, new vision; God has placed a new sensitivity in my heart for all of these. So now I turn the table and ask what's new with you, dear blog reader?

kiki san

1 comment:

  1. i think that is part of what makes our hope in Him so alive. He is so creative and inventive. His ways are mysterious. New things, new mercies each day. yes! i could stand for some new in my life right about now. :)
