Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Back from Chi

I just had the most wonderful vacation in the city of Chicago. Plenty of things to write about, but not much time to do it, so I'll list a few highlights:

1.) Cubs game on the fourth of July
2.) Skimming the top of Lake Michigan on a boat
3.) Watching fireworks on the roof of a new friends' house
4.) Making new friends
5.) Spending an entire day at the park with three dogs because we were locked out of our friends house
6.) Unlimited TRa time
7.) Wrigleyville, Bucktown, Lincoln Park, the Gold Coast, Old Town
8.) Breakfast with MA
9.) Moody Bible Church Sunday service

I will post pictures later. It was the best trip EVER!

kiki san

Friday, June 26, 2009

Just putting a little life in your life

On a sunny day, Volunteer Park seems almost imaginary. The beautiful conservatory filled with exotic flowers, the Asian Art Museum, sprawling green lawns and trees with branches that seem to be made for the sole purpose of climbing. This past weekend, I journeyed solo to Volunteer Park for a nice, long walk. I walked, and walked, and walked around the park (it's huge) to find the most opportune reading location. One that would keep me warm, yet out of direct sunlight (due to my sensitive Norwegian skin) and preferably in the midst of some gnarly tree roots. My solo sojourn was filled with one thought, "why have I not made a friend?" I was walking around slowly, smiling and acknowledging the Frisbee game, the dog-walkers (I probably stopped to pet 3 dogs, who can resist?) and the picnic-ers, yet no one invited me to be a part of their party. Odd really.

I walked past a set of friends and they called after me. I turned and one said, "I'm just trying to put a little life in your life". This, of course, made me laugh pretty hard. But I kept on walking. About a minute later one of the guys came running after me and asked if I would like to hang out with them for the afternoon. I ended up talking with him for over an hour. And I only left because I wanted to be on time for my dinner with Laura (which deserves a completely dif't blog entry; Laura's Kenya stories, Coastal Kitchen, new favorite granola hippy store). You know what, I'll admit that I've been a bit jaded about making new friends in Seattle, but last Saturday was a refreshing reminder; you really can make new friends anywhere, especially in your hometown!

kiki san

Friday, June 19, 2009

Easily one of the greatest days of my life

I met Paul Farmer last night.

That sentence deserved stand-alone recognition. Paul Farmer is a true delight. At one point I was standing with Chris Elias (the president of PATH, who himself is one of the greatest global health leaders) and Paul in the holding area. It was just the three of us. I was so excited I said, "Dr. Farmer, I just want you to know that students have come from Canada and Oregon and started lining up at 2:30 today. There are a thousand people here. We all think you're a rock star!" Did I really say "rock star"?!?!?! How embarassing. Anyway, he was completely gracious.

Here are a couple of pictures from last night. It was magical.

The co-planners, Nicole, Jessica and me. These girls are two great people to work with!

The Director of WGHA, Lisa Cohen, addressing the crowd.

And the big one. Lisa, Paul Farmer, and me. Ahhhhhhh!!!

kiki san

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Mountains Beyond Mountains

Paul Farmer is in Seattle right now (squeal of delight)! He is right up there with my everyday heroes, Nicholas Kristof and David Brooks. Farmer is the subject of Tracy Kidder's "Mountains Beyond Mountains". Back in my Miss WA days, my dear friend Laura suggested I read the book. I read plenty of good books that year, but his was the only book I ever blogged about (if you followed the blog then, you knew I tried not to endorse any particular politics, businesses or books). I couldn't resist endorsing Kidder's book. I remember saying, not only should people read it, I hoped they would be inspired enough to be changed by Farmer's approach to life. Paul Farmer is the consummate Robin Hood, sometimes robbing the rich to pay the poor (lifting medical equipment from Harvard for clinics in Haiti). He has started clinics around the world with his organization Partners In Health . He is also being considered for the top post in USAID by the Obama Administration.

His life inspired me to get into global health. Imagine my excitement when I found out that we would be asking Farmer to do a town hall with us?! When an email from him appeared in my inbox I wanted to call everyone I knew to tell them that I got an email from Paul Farmer! I restrained myself then, but I don't know what I will do when I get to meet him tomorrow night. I'm sure it will just be a "hello, my name is..." kind of introduction, but my knees could buckle, and then I might black out and then Paul Farmer might have to save my life. Can you imagine?

I'm going to try my darndest to get a picture with him, though I know the masses will be flocking around him. If I do, I'll post it here. If you're in Seattle tomorrow night, please come. It is free and open to the public.
kiki san

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Three things I want right now

A hammock
A Cavalier King Charles Spaniel (puppy)
A plane ticket to another country
kiki san

Monday, June 15, 2009

And now a word from Beth Moore's son-in-law...

I luuuurve the Living Proof Ministries blog so much there's a little linky-loo that I've called out to the left (The LPM blog). I read today's post, written to Beth Moore's daughter from her daughter's husband and I thought it was one of the sweetest dang things I ever did read. I'm linking to it now so that everyone who is a little schmalzy like me can have an excuse to well up.

kiki san

New things

God loves new things. He loves new things so much, He went to the trouble of pointing it out tons of times in the Bible. I hadn't ever thought of God's love for new things until yesterday when John Lindell from James River Church in Springfield, MO, came to speak at church. He pastor's the second largest Assembly of God church in the denomination. John was encouraging our church through his church's amazing story of growth and somewhere in the process made a simple comment about how God loves new things and builds new mercies into each day. Well, my mind ran with that.

This morning I was reading a book by Dr.'s Cloud and Townsend and they gave a running list of personality "red flags" and "yellow lights" to look for in others. I grimmaced as I looked at the page because I, unfortunately, had some of the traits they identified. Before I could mentally clothesline myself over things I'd done, or said, or thought because of these traits, I was reminded of John's words, "God loves new things". As I looked at the list again, I thought of God's ability to make me new, and man, was I encouraged!

I love that God gives me a chance to make a new choice. He's been called the God of second chances, but really He should be called the God of infinite chances. I admit it; I'm prone to mistakes. But I'm also prone to believing that God can carefully sweep up behind me and say, "I know you really messed that one up, but we worked through it, so I'm going to give you another chance because I love you and I'm for you."

I always have some song in my head. It's usually some song from the 80's (with an emotional crescendo and synth), but every once in awhile, I start singing a unique new song. The new song doesn't necessarily have an ending, or even a chorus, it's just a string of thoughts that I start singing. I'm often surprised by the things that come out of my mouth, sometimes they make little, to no, sense (an example that comes to mind, "you are a wandering housefly with green buttons of splendor"), but other times I'm comforted by the words coming from my own mouth. It's pretty clear to me that when the latter happens, God has put a new song on my heart. And that amazes me.

New believers, new days, new chances, new hope, new vision; God has placed a new sensitivity in my heart for all of these. So now I turn the table and ask what's new with you, dear blog reader?

kiki san